- April 25, 2002 Total access
number of this web page exceeded 100,000!!! Approximately
8 weeks passed since 90,000
accesses to be an average of ca. 190 times a day. The period
from the beginning of this web page is ca. 1,200 days corresponding
to the average of ca. 80. A trend of increasing accesses has
been seen since the beginning of financial year of 2002.
- April 8, 2002 New comers presented their previous research
work. A part of them used an LCD projector with Microsoft PowerPoint.
- April 1, 2002 We have new members in our laboratory.
Three postdoctoral research fellows for the PRESTO projects
by Professor Torimoto and Dr. Ikeda (one of them, Dr. Bonamali
Pal was working here as a COE Foreign Researcher), two graduate
students of Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science,
and a research student of our center joined us. For details,
see [member]. Those who left our laboratory
in March 2000 are listed in the page [about
- March 26-29, 2002 Following the annual meeting of Catalysis
Society of Japan (Kanagawa University, Yokohama), the annual
meeting of Chemical Society of Japan was held in Waseda University
(Tokyo). Professor Tsukasa Torimoto (first day), Dr. Shigeru
Ikeda (third day), and Dr. Bonamali Pal and Mr. Yusuke Kowata
(fourth day) presented their results. The poster presentation
by Mr. Kowata was made in the neighborhood of the poster board
for Dr. Hiroshi Kominami (Kinki University).
- March 20, 2002 A farewell party was held at Room 127.
Family of Dr. Hadi Nur also joined. The menu is Temaki-zushi,
Okonomi-yaki, Sashimi, and Yakisoba. Left: a group photo, center:
Ms. Nao Nakamura receiving a gift from our laboratory members,
and right: a family of Dr. Hadi Nur.
- March 19, 2002 Lecture by Professor Yuji Wada (Osaka
University) was held at Room 5-205, Graduate School of Science.
The title was "Developments of nanomaterials as a photofunctional
materials: How to combine conventional nanomaterials to recent
nanotechnologies. [poster (pdf:
- March 11, 2002 Dr. Keita Ikeue (Osaka Prefecture University),
who will join us as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Ikeda's PRESTO
project, visited Sapporo to find a house.
- March 7, 2002 Dr. Shin-ya Murakami (Kinki University),
who will join us as a postdoctoral fellow in Professor Torimoto's
PRESTO project, visited Sapporo to find a house.
- March 5, 2002 Farewell party of Catalysis Research
Center was held at Clark Hall. Before the party, Ms. Nao Nakamura
presented her master's thesis in the report meeting of Catalysis
Research Center.
- March 2, 2002 Number of accesses
to this page exceeded 90,000. It took approximately 10
weeks since 80,000 accesses
(average daily access is about 140). A little smaller number
is presumably doe to the shutdown of the server computer at
the end of the last year and in the beginning of this year.
Moreover the relating removal of our URL from the database of